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With the NFT, we have a very active market coming up!

Updated: Apr 17, 2022

(NFT)" has been a hot topic on social networking sites and television recently

In March 2021, the news that American digital artist Beeple's NFT artwork "Everydays: The First 5000 Days" was sold for approximately 7.5 billion yen attracted a great deal of attention.

NFT is an acronym for "Non-Fungible Token," which means "non-substitutional token" in Japanese.

Tokens are virtual currencies issued using the blockchain.

Since both NFTs and virtual currencies are issued using the blockchain, they are called "tokens" in a broad sense.

The term "token" refers to a technology that uses blockchain technology to "prove" that a token is "irreplaceable and unique.

One of the main reasons why NFTs are attracting attention is because they "can clarify the owner of digital assets.

Before NFTs were created.

Digital art (e.g., online illustrations and images)

In-game items


Trading cards


It has been difficult to clarify the "owner" of such items as

Although copyright existed, it was impossible to prove that one was the sole owner of the work, and it was impossible to distinguish it from a copy. Even if the work was created by a well-known person. This is where NFT comes in.

Let's say you own a piece of digital art.

Then, when you issue an NFT associated with the digital art, you will be able to prove that it is the one and only digital art that you own. Therefore, artworks tied to NFTs are collectively referred to as "NFT art.

Issuing an NFT allows you to "clarify ownership" and at the same time "guarantee rarity". This is the reason why NTFs are attracting so much attention.

NFTs began in 2017. The market size at that time was about $30 million (about 3.3 billion yen), but in 2021, when the market showed a great surge, it was about $710 million (about 71 billion yen), an increase of "more than 20 times".

Trading Cards Music

It was difficult to identify the "owners" of such items as

Although copyright existed, it was impossible to prove "I am the sole owner of this work" and to distinguish it from a copy. Even if the work was created by a well-known person. This is where NFT comes in.

Let's say you own a piece of digital art.

Then, when you issue an NFT associated with the digital art, you will be able to prove that it is the one and only digital art that you own. Therefore, artworks tied to NFTs are collectively referred to as "NFT art.

Issuing an NFT allows you to "clarify ownership" and at the same time "guarantee rarity". This is the reason why NTFs are attracting so much attention.

NFTs began in 2017. The market size at that time was about $30 million (about 3.3 billion yen), but in 2021, when the market showed a great surge, it was about $710 million (about 71 billion yen), an increase of "more than 20 times". 最近、SNSやテレビなどでも話題になっている「NFT(エヌエフティー)

2021年3月にアメリカのデジタルアーティストBeeple氏のNFTアート”Everydays: The First 5000 Days”が「約75億円」で落札されたニュースには大注目が集まりました。 NFTとは、「Non-Fungible Token(ノン-ファンジャブル トークン)」の頭文字を取ったもので、日本語で「非代替性トークン」という意味です。 トークンはブロックチェーンを利用して発行している仮想通貨です。 NFTも仮想通貨もブロックチェーンを利用して発行しているため、広義では「トークン」と呼ばれています。 「替えが効かない唯一無二であること」を「ブロックチェーン技術を利用して証明」する技術ということになります。 NFTが注目される大きな理由のひとつが、「デジタル資産の所有者を明確にできる」から。 NFTが出来る前は、

  • デジタルアート(オンライン上のイラスト・画像など)

  • ゲーム内のアイテム

  • マンガ

  • トレーディングカード

  • 音楽


著作権は存在するものの、「自分がこの作品の唯一の所有者である」という証明はできず、コピーとの違いを明確にできなかったのです。例えそれが著名な人が作った作品であっても。そこで、NFTの登場です。 例えばあなたが、デジタルアートを持っているとします。 そして、デジタルアートに紐づくNFTを発行すると、あなたが保有している唯一無二のデジタルアートであることが証明できるようになります。そのためNFTと紐づけられたアート作品は「NFTアート」と総称されています。 NFTを発行すれば「所有者の明確化」をすると同時に「希少性の担保」もできます。これがNTFが注目される理由です。 NFTの始まりは2017年。当時の市場規模は約3000万ドル(約33億円)程度でしたが、大きな盛り上がりを見せた2021年では約7億1000万ドル(約710億円)と「20倍以上」に市場拡大が進みました。

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